Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Legal Gaurdian
Never in a million years would you think I would be the legal guardian of anyone. Never in a million years would you think I would be the legal guardian of someone older then me.
My mother went for surgery a few weeks ago, and long story short because of many different excuses they had to put it off for a week. When they finally did put the stints in (she has some blood clots in veins in her brain), every thing went fine. This was the third time she had it done. After the procedure, she started to feel dizzy and threw up. She had a very severe stroke.There was a lot of bleeding in her brain. As of Friday night, they didn't know if she was going to live. I've been back and forth to DC all weekend. As of Sunday night, they think she will live. They aren't sure, but that is what they think. She was breathing on her own for a little while, they've been back and forth between putting her on the respirator. On Monday, she could respond to simple commands. If you ask her to squeeze your hand, she could do that or she could put up two fingers. Right now, her squeezing my hand is about the happiest thing I have ever felt. I saw her Tuesday. I told her about the new purple dress I was wearing. She opened an eye a little and looked.
The recovery process is going to be very long, and they aren't sure what functions she will regain. I am hoping for the best, my mom has always been a fighter. Right now I'm in the process of becoming her legal guardian, so I can do things on her behalf and get the bills paid. It's been putting a lot of stress on me to be honest, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I graduated college in 2007, but I feel like this past weekend I finally became an adult. I would give anything to feel like a child right now.
While things are beginning to look up, I am still worried. There is still a spot in her brain that needs some work. They can't do anymore with stinting or angioplasties. I don't know what they are going to do about that, if they can fix it at all. I am so afraid of losing my mother.
My mother went for surgery a few weeks ago, and long story short because of many different excuses they had to put it off for a week. When they finally did put the stints in (she has some blood clots in veins in her brain), every thing went fine. This was the third time she had it done. After the procedure, she started to feel dizzy and threw up. She had a very severe stroke.There was a lot of bleeding in her brain. As of Friday night, they didn't know if she was going to live. I've been back and forth to DC all weekend. As of Sunday night, they think she will live. They aren't sure, but that is what they think. She was breathing on her own for a little while, they've been back and forth between putting her on the respirator. On Monday, she could respond to simple commands. If you ask her to squeeze your hand, she could do that or she could put up two fingers. Right now, her squeezing my hand is about the happiest thing I have ever felt. I saw her Tuesday. I told her about the new purple dress I was wearing. She opened an eye a little and looked.
The recovery process is going to be very long, and they aren't sure what functions she will regain. I am hoping for the best, my mom has always been a fighter. Right now I'm in the process of becoming her legal guardian, so I can do things on her behalf and get the bills paid. It's been putting a lot of stress on me to be honest, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I graduated college in 2007, but I feel like this past weekend I finally became an adult. I would give anything to feel like a child right now.
While things are beginning to look up, I am still worried. There is still a spot in her brain that needs some work. They can't do anymore with stinting or angioplasties. I don't know what they are going to do about that, if they can fix it at all. I am so afraid of losing my mother.

I am...
A.) Awful at talking on the phone, and...
B.)Better at writing my thoughts and opinions
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